2019-2020 CCNS Wintertide Rising Final Scoring

Here they are… The final score for the CCNS Wintertide Rising Challenge.
Rustico is our champion! Meisl hangs on for second place. Edenilson da Silva finishes in 3rd place with just over 30 hours ridden. Patsy Klotz is our First Place Female Finisher (4th overall). It was an incredible week! We had a record number of riders and a record number of riders who crushed the 15 and 10-hour benchmarks.

1 David “Rusty” 43:04:00
2 Stephen Meisl 37:47:00
3 Edenilson da Silva 30:12:00
4 Patsy Klotz 29:02:00
5 Darren Piotrow 26:19:00
6 Lisa Stanley 25:50:00
7 David Fiore 24:40:00
8 Cliff Summers 22:21:00
9 Paul Hermes 21:11:05
10 Mike Williams 21:09:02
11 Eric Lindquist 20:47:24
12 Geno Villafano 20:10:50
13 jonathan lowenstein 19:33:00
14 Jon Leander 19:24:30
15 Aidan Charles 19:00:10
16 Shane DelGrosso 18:56:25
17 Der Dachs 18:28:06
18 jeffrey scala 18:13:07
19 Adam Francis 18:13:00
20 Hunter Pronovost 18:02:18
21 William Kurtz 17:49:00
22 Peter L 17:35:05
23 Nathan U 17:13:24
24 Christopher Schwenker 17:05:31
25 Don K 16:52:00
26 Brent Soderberg 16:50:03
27 lisa lochner 16:48:11
28 Brodi Santagata 16:33:39
29 Ben Wolfe CCNS Coach 15:34:11
30 Steve Sadler 15:26:09
31 george guirgis 15:18:40
32 Mark Kasinskas 15:18:24
33 Ray Heck 15:13:00
34 Greg Robbins 15:10:00
35 Sammy B Team Type 1 (TT1F) 15:08:16
36 Alan Potter 15:05:18
37 Patrick Brandon 15:04:59
38 Dale Perzanowski 15:04:36
39 Rosy Jacobsen 15:03:19
40 Kristin Anderson 15:03:00
41 Willis Gee 15:01:45
42 Matt Regan 15:01:41
43 Eric Price-Glynn 15:01:26
44 New Heights 15:00:32
45 John Bogdanski 15:00:28
46 Shawn McAfee 14:16:25
47 Phil Durham 14:11:34
48 John Meyerle 14:09:44
49 Kurt D’Aniello 14:08:14
50 Andrew Tine 13:55:00
51 jordan jacobsen 13:47:18
52 Brett Tremaine 13:43:32
53 Mark Cuadrado 13:32:00
54 Aaron Black 13:14:21
55 Chris Curven 13:10:40
56 Kristin Allyne 13:06:17
57 John Paul Harkleroad 13:02:00
58 Bella Crespo 12:46:29
59 Sara Hunt 12:30:48
60 Len Baird 12:15:06
61 William Thompson 12:13:40
62 Donna DiCiacco 12:07:57
63 Jennifer Lacker 12:00:37
64 Chris Huesman 11:59:00
65 AV ! 11:50:51
66 Debbie B 11:50:49
67 K Browne 11:49:17
68 Will Gleason 11:41:00
69 Eric Loehle 11:38:13
70 Vladimir Scerbin 11:29:43
71 Edward DesPlaines 11:12:00
72 Shelby Meckstroth 10:55:13
73 Kim DuBord – Team ERRACE 10:48:00
74 James Bouderau 10:43:00
75 David Gilchrist 10:36:00
76 Jeff Weaver 10:33:00
77 Mike Jaskolka 10:30:10
78 tomas holton 10:28:00
79 Lucas Huesman (curly) 10:27:25
80 Sean Killian 10:25:00
81 Eric Crespo 10:21:48
82 Josh S. The other Central Wheel Guy 10:18:00
83 A Sarah Hreha 10:12:49
84 Ted Jones 10:10:08
85 Shawn Googins 10:08:00
86 Anne Manning 10:03:22
87 Jonathan Falcetti / Comp Edge Racing 10:02:24
88 G J 9:43:08
89 Terri Moore 9:35:06
90 Monte Burgess – Cheshire Cycle Racing 9:22:13
91 Rick Hardy 9:16:45
92 Dexter Hodgeman 9:04:07
93 Mike Conway 8:52:16
94 John Romano 8:09:12
95 Paul Gavalis 7:55:34
96 Johnny Meyerle 7:45:59
97 Brooks Nablo {BBC🐤} 🐸 7:44:24
98 Kelly O’Brien 7:39:00
99 DJ Kraz [🔨 👨🏻 kids] 7:28:44
100 Rich Boehmer 7:23:00
101 Scott Tomassetti 7:16:30
102 Adam Kessler 7:05:15
103 Steve May 7:02:12
104 Brian Ray 6:57:17
105 Brian Wolfe 6:55:41
106 Myles White 6:54:24
107 Parrish Bergquist 6:38:00
108 Caroline O’Dwyer 6:34:00
109 Shane Bruton 6:28:42
110 Jason Williams 5:59:44
111 Jamie Streeter 5:48:00
112 Tammy Payer 5:22:00
113 Greg Hawkins 5:12:59
114 Joe Kubisek – Cheshire Cycle Racing 5:03:21
115 Derek Dean 5:02:37
116 T Kraz 4:32:10
117 Bill Jewett 4:22:04
118 richard lush 4:12:10
119 Linda Pierce-Kubisek 3:58:57
120 Daniel Cunningham 3:51:51
121 David Miles (DIRT) 3:46:28
122 Tony Kaigle 3:42:00
123 Hethba F 3:31:00
124 Kelly Stilson 3:22:03
125 Jed Kornbluh – CCAP 3:16:02
126 Duane Samuel 3:14:00
127 Rich Cohen 2:39:08
128 Jim Wyskiewicz 2:18:13
129 Christi M 1:59:24
130 Will Doucette 1:04:32
131 Morgan Rueckert 1:03:22
132 Justin Scott 1:01:00
133 Carin N 0:30:26

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