CCNS Athlete Tom Regner is making a big push for 2022!
This New Hampshire resident is a lifelong cyclist who wants to get faster on the bike. Specifically, faster going uphill! He came to CCNS to help him get there and the results he has seen so far have him excited for what lies ahead. We wanted to share his story, and he was kind enough to stop and share his thoughts with us.
CCNS – How long have you been riding and what have your cycling goals been all about?
TR – I have been riding since I was 16 (53 years). My first bike was a French-built Gitane, a beautiful robins-egg blue 10-speed. After college, I wanted to compete in triathlons and needed to have a strong biking leg so I resumed my biking career. Over the past 20 years, I have participated in the Mt. Washington bike race every year with the objective of completing it around 2 hours, or less. Now, moving into the +70 age group this coming year, I would like to finish in the top three of the age group with a new PR.
CCNS – 20 years of Mount Washington. That is incredibly impressive! What was your approach to training during those years?
TR – My approach to training was pretty unstructured… Ride 20-25 miles in the White Mountains around Jackson, NH every other day in the summer and then 30 miles every other day on the flats in FL in the winter.
CCNS – So what brought you to CCNS?
TR – After this year’s race, in which I really struggled, the local newspaper ran an article on a local Jackson, NH racer who was coached by CCNS and had finished in the top 5 of the race and then went on to describe what CCNS had done for his blossoming career. I figured I needed to make a change in my training so I picked up the phone and the rest is history.
CCNS – Was there anything that surprised you or was unexpected during the first couple of weeks of your structured training?
TR – Two aspects of the CCNS training surprised me – first the overall structure of their approach and how they were able to customize my training on a daily basis to my body and my goals. Second, how effective remote training can be with the use of technology – Namely, how Training Peaks works in conjunction with my Garmin power meter pedals and the head unit itself. To see my tailored workouts scroll across the screen while I was riding was a real eye-opener.
CCNS – What positive results have you seen so far?
TR – Frankly, the results have surprised me! When I started (this past late August) I was averaging between 200-215 watts for a two-hour workout; yesterday, I averaged 255 watts for two hours and can still walk today The ride felt strong and smooth and I didn’t bury the pedals, just rode consistently.
CCNS – That is so awesome. Congratulations on that, Tom. So, tell us more about your goals for 2022.
TR – I want to place in the top three of my age group with a new PR at the Mt. Washington race next August. Coach Hunter and I have already identified the power-to-weight ratio I need to hit in my training leading up to the race to reach that goal. This insight is extremely motivating when I train – I know exactly what levels of performance I need to achieve before race day – there is very little ambiguity.
CCNS – Knowing exactly what you have to do, and seeing progress on your way to that, is so empowering. Thank you, Tom, for sharing these thoughts with us. We look forward to seeing you reach your goals!